We are convinced that sharing stories can contribute to your personal development. And thus to the development of your company. We provide a ‘safe space’ in which everyone can tell their story. Our members can discuss with each other what is going well or what they encounter and act as each other’s sparring partner. In this way everyone contributes to the community.
Naturally, stories are about the business side of business and we love success stories. But we also encourage our members to add a personal touch. Because we know better than anyone that doing business is fun and provides a lot of freedom, however this is also accompanied by trial and error and sometimes with a lot of uncertainty. Don’t worry: you’re not the only one!
We offer an environment in which everyone can tell his or her story. This creates a strong bond between our community members and gives them inspiration, motivation and a fresh view of the world.
Within De Muys you will find a wide range of entrepreneurs. They all work in different sectors and with different backgrounds, but with the common denominator that they want to get the best out of themselves and their (starting) company.
Interviews with some Community members can be found in the Showcase of Fame.
De Muys may have a slightly different layout than other flex offices you might be used to. This is because De Muys is located in a former car showroom. This gives us a lot of space that we can use creatively.
The basic principle of De Muys is that we offer cheap and accessible workplaces for corporate social responsibility. We also expect our users to consider this a high priority. Several entrepreneurs in our building offer opportunities for people with a distance to the labor market to get started. For example, a Barista training has been set up and a lot of work is being done on a Car Wash where they can gain work experience.
In addition, we try to make our contribution to the future by attaching great importance to sustainability. For example, we are looking at possibilities for urban agriculture on the roof of De Muys and we have ambitions in the field of brewing beer from food waste.
De Muys is located in a neighborhood that is in full development. By offering an inspiring and pleasant workplace, we also hope to be able to contribute to the environment and to contribute to an interesting neighborhood for current visitors and future residents.
We also have a shop window where our members can sell or exhibit their work. A pleasant side effect is that this contributes to the liveliness of the neighbourhood.